Sep 29, 2006

Closing personal statements

Trying to register some of the interesting statements of the last to
days it is time for some closing personal remarks. I have the time
now, the closing panel discussion is a bit boring, something that
happpens a lot in this kind of conferences ("why is this conference
an industry centred event; where are the consumers" how naive you can

I think Picnic was an overall inspiring conference. The surroundings
of the buildings and it interiors contribute highly. As well as the
feeling that everyone was present. But lucky enough also by some of
the sessions and presentations. Especially thursday morning with
Pixar (all about great teams and selling the story) and Gary from
FremantleMedia (in fifteen minutes everyone will be famous). Marc
Canter has a big role with its discussion on API's with Craigslist,
but also in his friday session. And Linda with her theory on
continuous partly attention.

There were lowlights. John de Mol has not a lot new insights and I
think that MTV disqualifies itself with the old fashioned marketing
experience. You expect from this company the execution of the
theories from Joseph Jaffe on the New Marketing.

It is a pity I missed the IPTV sessions because of the crowds. The
friday was to fragmented for a good judgement.

I will try to create a more reflecting post, but for now I conclude
to state that the Picnic is a great addidtion to the different events
on different media. Hopefully next year they hire a strong moderator
for the whole day and skip the obligate panel session.

Statements from Picnic06: Digital Lifestyle Aggregators

Simon Grice, CEO, Midentity (United Kingdom)
Marc Canter, Founder and CEO, Broadband Mechanics and Founder, People
Aggregator and Co-Founder, Macromedia (United States)

Every country will proide DLA's to their citizens

Open standards will make relevant data possible

Yahoo has the best position for DLA. Google is to arrogant, Apple
will be close.
Microsoft can actually be open. Myspace is a interesting new player.

Example: desktop aggregator of Train timetable planner, etc. as part
of task bar (like widgets ...)

DLA should have integration, aggregation adn custumazation
create your own network or download the sourcecode

Everything is about media

Principle is interesting; more networks, but is is rather ugly and
complex ;-)

Statements from Picnic06: Joseph Jaffe

* Joseph Jaffe, Author of "Life after the 30-Second Spot" (United

It all about the choice

There are no more best practices only different practices

The choice, the clutter and the confusion is the thing that is changed

Why it changes:
1. too much clutter
2. creativity sucks
3. consumers aren't as stupid as they used to be
4. unacceptable levels of wastage

The days of the cheap tv is over; an add is very expensive to buy
time from your consumers
zontal to extendAre you part of the problem or are you part of the


Life cycle has been accelerated and compressed
- we are only as good as our last transaction

New Branding requires New Metrics

Who know the brand better? Burn your brandguide and listen to your

Integration is...
it is not added in the end
could be "necromancer"; the dream team

integratoin continuum
vertical to amplify
horizontal to extend

three new roles for marketing: invole, demostrate, involve

interconsumpability; the consumer does not differentiate between media

customize mediaband per consumer, different routes (see virtual warmth

Telling REAL stories are no lineair stories, not predictable not one
story for all of us.
A good story has a beginning and an end, They can go fore and back.

The internet is the Integrator
Think of the train station and the different routes and targets to be
there. To start or to end a yourney, or just to be there, etc.

Integration could be the Atom

Save Advertising From Extinction
Make advertising relevant again
retire the 30 second spot before it retires you and see the 30
seconds as metaphor
embrace new marketing

New Marketing Blueprint
Always on - Wireless - Search - Netweks
Experience - involvement - permission - conversation

history and future of communication
one 2 many >> one 2 one >> one from one >> many 2 many

content is king (...)
CGC: in the eyes of the consumer all content is created equally
53% is believed CGC

Make the right kind of mistakes; the one you learn from

Cause New Marketing
Let's change the world; the should stand for something

The Future
Consumers will pay for content with their time or money
Advertising on demand; relevant to self selection
Less commericals determined by consumers in length

A Marketing Renaissance is to be born - the 3-year plan

from 4 p's to 5 c's > customizatoin, content, context, community,

reach (exposure to amplify)
connect (engagement to extend)
effect (experience to enhance

communication >> conversation >> transformation

tactical > strategic > organisational > cultural

It's what i've never seen before that I recognize...

Sep 28, 2006

Statements from Picnic06; keynote 6

Music, Entertainment and Community

* Simon Guild, President and Chief Executive, MTV Networks Europe
(United Kingdom)

less than 10% cares about technology
but they don't consider mobile phones etc as technology

start with what we are

M for music
TV for unique original content

Build a portfolio of channels (both analog and digital)

The forth brand element; how do we build an active relationship with
the audience

Product stretch to sattelite, to events, to interactive

mobile is an imediately medium

huh? internet 2.0 is integrating video (mtv overdrive)

getting your stuff on television is still a sexy idea
Channel launch; Flux; user gerated content with the intention to play
on a channel on tv

My conclusion; mtv is no frontrunner anymore, however probably a good

Statements from Picnic06; panelsession 2

Virtual Worlds, Real Lives

* Philip Rosedale, Founder, Linden Lab/Second Life (United States)
My Second Life

The key to second life; you make everything of the environment

Engine for creative projection

The space is one uniform space

More is different

44% usage female usage hours (in comparison to 25% users)
median age = 31
50% international

Retailng in Second Life; can earn a living from it

Music is often a starting point in a community

Example; a club in SL; you can do a live performance in a club for
200 people out of home. 200 people all over the world

Entertainment comes first

Normal brands using second life as trend detector (for instance
American Appearal)

It is also an ideal simulation tool for instance for disaster management

The learning curve seems steap, but is in the end a lot easier in use
than say the internet...

* Andrew McGregor, Director, Europe, Middle East & Africa, Text100
(United Kingdom)
Virtual PR

The future: many to many

The credibility gap is changing

Communication strategies:
listen to the dialogue first
build loyalty within social networks
start experimenting now
look for technology changes now (like SL)

The power of loyalty within social networks is essiantial for
building brands in the future

Second life is a live experiment

Learn from the peers before the competion does

16.000 people in Netherlands, 800.000 in the world

* Sampo Karjalainen, Chief Creative Officer, Sulake (Finland)
My Virtual Hotel

61 million characters, 5,8 unique visitors, average 15 years

* Yme Bosma, Business Manager Eccky, Media Republic (the Netherlands)
Virtual baby

30.000 babies are created (by how many people???)

Eccky should be part of atrificial life; you can take your Exccky in
Second Life

Make a social network with Eccky; do multibabies with as many
different partners as possible

Try to integrate youtube films etc.

Eccky is the start of a whole different world...

* Friedrich Kirschner, Editor, Machinimag (Austria)

comparing gameplay
risk vs lego
simulated vs created

"breaking the rules of gaming"

creative play

Statements from Picnic06; keynote 5

Attention - The *Real* Aphrodisiac

• Linda Stone, Consultant, former Corporate Vice President, Microsoft
Corporation (United States)

continuously partional attention

so many things are great in small doses

the context is more complex

framework developed
it was the age of self employing; to enhance our abilities

if you focus on self expressing 24/7 it leads to narcissism

now the network is the centre of gravity

weapons of mass communication contribute to the use of drugs like prozac

overstimulation by connect connect connect

you need cycles to feel good; with no winter there is no spring.
always on has no cycles

30% of the send e-mail is not essential

we want meaningful relationships.

exausted by a culture of stimulations

resunate more deeply with each other

we want signals that resonate with our values

we want to make the best choices i a world full of choices

think Apple, think ipod

focussed on taking only the information we need

information workers to knowledge workers > to wisdom workers

products that offers quality of live in stead o easy of use

Statements from Picnic06; keynote 4

John de Mol, Founder of Talpa, Co-Founder of Endemol, Reality TV
(the Netherlands)

Convergence of industries

convergence gap

Talpa has the building blocks

creativity is key

tv is national aggregator

talpa is an open system (for other organizations)

engagement vs. interruption

the meaning is in the use

empowered by creativity

Statements from Picnic06; keynote 3

People's Media

* Dan Gillmor, Founder and Director, Center for Citizen Media (United

be skeptikal to new journalism

People will do it themselves

Random journalism

Business models
micro publising

mash ups are most interesting

new evolution: from daily to daily us (newsvine)

popularity is not enough, add reputation

* Dan Gillmor, Founder and Director, Center for Citizen Media (United
* Craig Newmark, Founder and Customer Service Representative,
craigslist (United States)
* Marc Canter, Founder and CEO, Broadband Mechanics and Founder,
People Aggregator and Co-Founder, Macromedia (United States)

People are content

Each will be part of a number of social networks with a maximum of
2500 members
Tools will emerge that connect the networks
Example a network per music bands

Everyone will be on top of the list

Every software will have social network functionality

Wisdom of crowd really works if you pay a little bit of attention

Business model: support in creating the networks

Myspace is succesful because it is a party with a lot of beautiful
Over 2 milion bands are on Myspace
Myspace si a digital lifestyle aggreator; enables all kinds of all
different kind of digital functions

Open identity. The identity game
Connect the different systems. Together with Microsoft
Federated identity
With open identity you can input output
With micro formats

MC has all the tools, asks for a API from CN

We do need multiple identity systems (multiple persona feature)

MC is not one of the 37signals-school (a software product is about
just one feature)

Will copyright on content disappear? Maybe not as regulation, but as
insight of companies that realize that there are better profitable
models than copyrights (DG)

Youtube will be the next Napster in the coming months )MC)

Statements from Picnic06: Keynote 2

Heavyweight Creativity: The Next Big Idea

* Gary Carter, Chief Creative Officer, FMX, FremantleMedia (United

Should we kill television before it kills us?

Mass communication technologies have never been replaced

Communication technology move from public to home to personal

Now we are in the post modern phase: a mirror in stead of a window;
the tv is now about us self
Future; no reality at all; a own reality of the digital environment

Distributely equally; not pull or push

In fifteen minutes everybody will be famous

What will we do with it
Who will control it
How will we be part of it

* John Underkoffler, Chief Scientist, Treadle & Loam, and advisor to
Spielberg on the film "Minority Report" (United States)

Narrative generation: new model

anti-solpsism: 'method' creation analog to method acting

destiny usa; real world prototyping for the future

Statements from Picnic 06; keynote 1

The Creative Process by Dr. Michael B. Johnson, Moving Pictures Group Lead, Pixar Animation Studios

Better a good team with a bad story than a good story with a bad team; a good team will fix the poor story, a bad team will ruine the good story

Telling a story is selling a story

How to build a story: I want to fail as quickly as possible

Well, do someting, so we van change it > iteracte and critisize

It's not about being real. It's about being believable

Use technology do make te process of making the film a creative team process

Never forget you're making a movie

Pasion will get you through

Aug 22, 2006

Drivers mobiel internet

Een paar weken geleden vroeg ik me af of het mobiel internet gebruik in Japan ons voorland is. Het lijkt er wel op.

Met 3G is het gebruik van mobiel internet opeens een prettige ervaring. Het UMTS toestel wordt inmiddels een weggeeftoestel en steeds meer mensen lopen ermee rond.

Maar belangrijker: er lijkt een hausse aan nieuwe mobiele applicaties waar internet een belangrijk onderdeel van is. En dat is interessant. Niet de informatieportalen van de providers maken mobiel internet nuttig, maar de slimme toepassingen worden de drivers voor mobiel internetgebruik.

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Aug 4, 2006

De toekomst van mobiel internet?

Toen ik een paar weken geleden voor vakantie vertrok naar Japan was net het bericht dat internet er meer via mobiel wordt gebruikt dan via de pc. Als ik in Tokio om me heen kijk klopt dat helemaal. Iedereen is continu bezig met zijn mobieltje te lezen en te tikken.

Wat ik echter het meest interessant vind om te zien is dat bijna niemand meer belt. Alleen maar browsen (en te shoppen dus), daar wordt het toestel voor gebruikt. Is dat ook onze toekomst?

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May 23, 2006

Smart contextual behaviour

Het is steeds minder mogelijk het doelgroepsegment 'early adopter' te koppelen aan het kennisniveau en gebruikservaring met de techniek. Early adopters stonden altijd gelijk aan de tech freaks die als eerste het nieuwste apparaat kochten en voor alle nieuwste snufjes bereid waren offers te doen in gebruikongemak.

Tegenwoordig worden nieuwe consumentenelektronica ook in een vroeg stadium gekocht door consumenten met lagere (technische) kennisniveaus. Een waarschuwing van de Consumentenbond niet te vroeg in digitale televisie te stappen is niet meer van deze tijd.

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May 15, 2006


Interessante analyse van Justine Marseille op haar Future Institute blog.

"De volgende generatie ontvlucht de economie zoals de babyboomers de kerk verlaten hebben."

Ze beschrijft de verschuiving van winstmaximalisatie naar nutsmaximalisatie. "Dit is de generatie die on line inschrijft op producten. Zich verzamelt, organiseert en opdrachtgever wordt."

Zoals bij Hyves de community mag stemmen over de banners. En Nokia de ideeën van klanten gebruikt voor toekomstige productontwikkeling. Customer advocacy en co-creation worden de eigenschappen van bedrijven met toekomst.

De kunst is echt te luisteren en de ruimte te geven voor co-creation, te komen tot een persoonlijk product. En dus niet alleen te gebruiken als extra product feature. Hoort het gezamenlijk bepalen van de dader in een tv krimi ook tot co-creation?

Apr 19, 2006

Personal video breakthrough?

Wordt de opbouw van American Football met de steeds korte hevige spelmomenten nu wordt veroorzaakt door het sportkarakter van de Amerikanen of is voortgekomen uit de wens reclame in de wedstrijden te kunnen integreren?

Voor het gemak ga ik maar even van het laatste uit. Ik zit me wel 's te bedenken of onze eigen sporten zich ook zullen gaan aanpassen aan het mediagebruik.

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Mar 23, 2006

Google reputation

Het ik-tijdperk loopt op zijn eind. Althans, dat beweert Henk Blanken. En ik denk dat hij een punt heeft. Maar we gaan niet terug naar het oude wij-gevoel, het is wel op een nieuwe manier.

We hebben met z’n allen opeens bedacht dat we dingen met elkaar gaan delen. Bookmarks of foto’s en natuurlijk de gekste filmpjes. En opeens is daar social commerce als een nieuwe belofte.

Wij noemen de trend Sharing en Showing off. Sharing is belangrijk, maar het heeft wel een ik-tijdperk aspect, het gaat er toch om dat je vooral je eigen persoonlijkheid aan het etaleren bent.

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Mar 5, 2006

Getting real

Getting real is een nieuw boek geschreven door de mensen achter 37signals. Het boek gaat volgens de ondertitel over ‘The smarter, faster, easier way to build a succesful web application’. Klinkt als een technisch verhaal, maar het gaat in essentie over de filosofie van succesvol productontwikkeling en vermarketen in een web 2.0 omgeving.

Zo keren ze zich tegen de trend van de zogenaamde perpeptual beta, het opleveren van half affe producten. Een goede executie is essentieel voor het succes. Het boek bevat interessante en praktische inzichten voor iedereen die succesval online dienstverlening wil ontwikkelen.

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Feb 24, 2006

Social products

In theorie is het de toekomstige oplossing voor fileprobleem; de adaptive cruise control. Je haakt aan bij je voorligger doordat je auto uit zichzelf de afstand in de gaten houdt. Het is een voorbeeld van een principe dat steeds vaker zal optreden: personal control in plaats van centraal aangestuurd. Dit biedt nieuwe kansen om succesvolle producten te ontwikkelen.

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Feb 2, 2006

Track back chains

De aloude kettingbrief lijkt een nieuw interessante vorm te hebben gekregen. Enige tijd geleden was er de blonde grap die me meevoerde over de wereld. Nu is er een vierdingenketting.

De essentie van de Four Things Meme zijn niet de lijstjes op zich (hoewel die amusant kunnen zijn), maar het olievlekprincipe dat iedereen weer vier mensen uitkiest die weer terugverwijzen omdat ze gevleid zijn doordat ze getagd zijn (dank je Kars). Zo ontstaat het ultieme connected web van relaties en kan je via al die teruglinks weer op verre plekken belanden. Deze is tien kliks weg.

Anderen stoppen de ketting overigens heel bewust...

Jan 24, 2006

Option overload

Keuzes keuzes keuzes. We komen om in de mogelijkheden. We zien dat al een tijd als een van de keerzijden van onze moderne samenleving. Waar men bang was dat de komst van internet vooral een information overload zou brengen blijkt dat de vele keuzemogelijkheden veel meer impact hebben. Option Overload noemen we dat.

Tegenbewegingen zijn al op gang gekomen. Het duidelijkst bij producten: Simpele PC's en simpele consumenten-elektronica spelen allemaal in op het gevoel van keuzemoeheid dat bij de consument leeft.
Ook diensten krijgen eenduidige varianten zoals de simpele mobiele abonnementen.
Of meer subtiel: bij complexe diensten worden met privileges de keuzen verpakt in een voorkeursbehandeling. Vanuit een marketingbenadering natuurlijk een slimme manier om in te spelen op de behoeften van consumenten.

Interessant is echter ook de manier waarop een goede werking van adviesfiltering in een netwerkmaatschappij kan zorgen voor nieuwe mechanismen om het hoofd te bieden aan option overload.

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